Monday, January 29, 2024

Constitution - Page two

Build Log Photos….

Masts going up.

The four chain pots on each side of these companionways were used to stow the anchor chains.

Another companionway with gratings and cannonball storage.

Water barrel mounted atop left grating.

Full view of spar deck with all 22 guns installed.

Overhead view of spar deck.

Showing deck cutaway sections allowing partial view of gun deck below.

Fife rails surrounding the foremast and also the stack to the ship’s stove.

Capstan sits between two companionways.  Used to raise the ship’s anchor by inserting long bars into those square holes.
It would take a dozen men to raise the anchors and up to two hours, depending on the depth.

Early development of gun deck.

Gun deck.

Beginning captain’s quarters.

Outer bulkheads of Captain’s quarters installed.

Adding furnishing’s to Captains conference room. 

Captain’s dresser cabinet with mirror.

Biggest challenge of all the furniture pieces.

Conference table and five chairs.  

Note that the paneled walls are actually hanging from the ceiling on hinges, and can be folded up in order to convert this entire space into battle stations if those cannon are needed.

Fully rigged cannonade.

One of eighteen cannonades.

Building cannonades and long guns.

Creating her extensive artillery.  
In all, there are 54 cannons.
Gun deck… 30 long guns.
Spar deck… 24 cannonades.

Ships stove.

The four chain bits were used to secure the chain when the heavy anchor was released.

Water barrel and grog bucket. 

Ship’s wheel.

Bilge pumps were used to pump water from below the gun deck.

Brass frames for the canvas covers protecting the companionway openings.

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