Page Three
Created her display base.
Rudder mounted.
Copper plated rudder with pintles.
Gudgeons created to mount the rudder to the stern post.
Copper plating complete.
Full view of copper plating hull.
Copper plating process.
Creating copper plates.
Tool used to dimple copper plates.
Transom completed.
Carving the transom eagle.
Creating the stern quarter galleries.
Bulkhead panels ready for installation.
Ready for painting.
Very tedious job painting the white scroll and the flag carvings.
Bow stem carving in hard rock maple.
Bulkhead panels ready for installation.
Ready for painting.
The toothpick are snipped off leaving simulated bolt heads.
Creating the spar deck bulwarks with hundreds of raised bolt heads proved to be a tricky challenge.
Hull planking early stages.
Creating the spar deck bulwarks with hundreds of raised bolt heads proved to be a tricky challenge.
Hull planking early stages.